
The best alternative to Linked Helper

Discover our comparison after testing. Automating your LinkedIn business is not an insignificant decision. Make sure you make the right choice!

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The best alternative to Linked Helper

for generating qualified leads

We use the best digital marketing techniques to ensure that your campaigns generate new revenue for you.


Simulation of human behaviour, daily quotas, detection of risky activities...


Tracking of conversions, A/B testing, automation scenarios...


Ease of use, live assistance, tutorials...


Lowest price on the market, special rates for referrals

The tool is really great. Simple & efficient.
In just a few clicks you can send mass actions. So cool...

Adrien Croville, former Linked Helper user and co-founder of Mentor Marketing


You deserve better than Linked Helper
for your LinkedIn automation.

Linked helper had better watch out!


Bypass the LinkedIn Invitation Limit

Sending customized messages

Multi Channel Prospecting (LinkedIn + Mail)

Recommendation of skills

Automated sales Scenarios LinkedIn + Mail

Learn more

Only LinkedIn

CRM synchronization (Webhook)

Advanced automation

Customize your approach thanks to Triggers

Only Fews


Uclic integration

Proposal of optimized funnels for conversion (LinkedIn + Mail)

Choose from a range of Scenario models e.g. the model that offers the best conversion rate.
+70 templates Mail + LinkedIn
Only on LinkedIn

Filters prospects

Ability to filter those who have accepted an invitation, replied to a message etc.

Customize an image with first names, logos or other visuals, automatically

Start Your Free Trial

What about the LinkedIn Invitation Limit?

In recent weeks, LinkedIn has implemented a restriction of invitations on LinkedIn. Now you can no longer send more than 100 invitations per week. If you prospect on LinkedIn you know it's not enough.

But that was before ProspectIn 2.0 Thanks to our tool you can send 500 to 700 invitations per week on LinkedIn without any risk for your LinkedIn account. Find out how we did it in this article.

Linked helper also offers a different way to bypass this invitation limit.

ProspectIn Vs Linked Helper

Linked Helper was the first LinkedIn automation tool to be released. They were able to acquire a solid user base quickly, and without any competition to challenge them. They have now proposed a version 2 of their tool which seems to be more secure. For the moment, we don't have enough feedback on this new version to verify this information.

At ProspectIn, safeguarding your LinkedIn account is our number one priority. We have integrated a daily quota system, random delays between actions, a system for detecting risky activities, and we block the LinkedIn extension detection script. It is completely impossible for LinkedIn to detect the use of ProspectIn.

ProspectIn however offers a better UX/UI and you will find it easier to navigate. Especially if you're new to LinkedIn Automation, you'll be able to get the hang of the tool faster.

Linked Helper features

Since version 2 of Linked Helper, they have finally integrated new features. They have launched automated scenarios but for the moment, they only propose a few automated scenarios, only around messages.

ProspectIn now offers 70+ scenario templates that you can customize. But most importantly, we have launched our version 2 of ProspectIn: Waalaxy. Which allows you to prospect on different channels (LinkedIn + Email) and reach your prospects everywhere, while respecting your account security and bypassing the recently implemented LinkedIn invitation limit.

So why

ProspectIn allows you to manage your LinkedIn automations via a complete CRM. ProspectIn offers advanced filters and tags, the option to transfer prospects from one Campaign to another, and performance data for your Campaigns, messages and notes. And our tool allows us to bypass the new LinkedIn restriction, without ever putting your account at risk.

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